Full Day UX Project: Babysitter App Redesign & Live Testing

Build your UX skills and an awesome UX project in this hands-on, full-day workshop. Redesign, test, and improve how parents connect with the perfect babysitter for their kids.

Build your UX skills and and awesome UX project in this hands-on, full-day workshop.

What We’ll Do

In this hands-on UX Design Workshop, we’ll re-design key parts of CareConnect, a website that connects parents with a network of local babysitters.

We’ll dive deep into the real-world challenge of redesigning an onboarding experience. From understanding the fundamentals of split testing to gleaning insights from user feedback and competitor platforms, you’ll be equipped with practical tools and strategies to instantly improve your day to day work.

Discover the power of A/B testing to drive design decisions, and create an amazing project to show off your new skills.

How to use A/B tests to create and refine amazing user experiences
Fundamental UX Skills like research, UI Design, competitive analysis, and onboarding
On-the-job collaboration and iteration skills

We'll Learn

A redesigned version of the CareConnect Onboarding experience
A live split test to evaluate the effectiveness of our designs
A complete portfolio project, with live results, feedback, and outcomes from real people

Who is this for?

UX Beginners
Who want to learn UX skills by actually doing it!
Who want to add a new project to their portfolio, and practice some of their skills.

Get Experience with in-demand UX Skills

Web Design
Web & Mo...
Voice Design
Visual Desig...
UX Writing
UX Research
UX Portfolio
UX Job Hunt

Step-by-Step Workshop Agenda

Complete an awesome project with hands-on guidance from an expert instructor

Get started with an introduction to some of the skills and tools we'll be using in the workshop
Intro to Split Testing
A brief overview of split testing. We'll discuss its importance in UX and set the stage for our work with Care Connect.
Client Brief
Next, we'll read the CareConnect client brief to analyze the problem, and find out what we're trying to solve.
Understanding Care Connect's Current Design
We'll explore the existing design and the feedback it's received. This sets our foundation for the redesign challenge.
Gathering & Synthesizing Feedback
Let's go through user remarks and insights from the current design. This feedback is gold for our redesign journey.
Getting Inspiration from Competitors
We'll peek at other apps and platforms in the same space. It's all about drawing inspiration and understanding the landscape.
Sketching Our Solutions
With our research in hand, it's sketch time. We'll brainstorm and draw out potential redesign paths.
Collaborative Design Session
We'll form teams, share our sketches, and refine the best ideas together.
Design Showdown
Time to test our revamped designs against the original. The goal? A better, smoother onboarding experience.
Wrap-Up & Forward Steps
A recap of our day, and some pointers on how to keep honing those UX skills and diving deeper into A/B testing.

Taught by an Expert Instructor

Joe Formica

Founder, Bitesize UX

Joe has taught UX Design at General Assembly in New York for seven years as a Distinguished Faculty Member, and has created and taught Entrepreneurship courses at Fordham University Business School. Through these roles, he has worked with thousands of designers-in-training to help them take the next steps in their career.

Reviews and Compliments

Here's what other designers had to say about this workshop

"Really loved this workshop - can't wait for the next one!!"
"Really awesome - very obvious that Joe put thought and care into the experience of this class, it was super smooth, coordinated, and useful. Love the online platform, Joe really managed to incorporate almost all the benefits of an in-person class while cutting out the downsides like commuting and wearing pants :)"
"Simple, welcoming, and HELPFUL"
"I'm a total beginner and was a little nervous going in. I felt really comfortable the whole time, and had so much fun challenging myself with this new material. Thanks for making these so simple, welcoming, and HELPFUL"
Awesome Project!
0 designers
Perfectly Paced
0 designers
Easy to Follow
0 designers
January 20, 2024
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST

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