UX Office Hours

Join me and your fellow designers-in-training as we collaborate to answer UX questions and share tips, tricks and resources.

What are UX Office Hours?

Our (almost) weekly office hours are the best way to learn new skills, get support from friendly designers, ask your burning questions, and have some fun. We keep it casual, collaborative, and always productive.

No matter what we talk about, you’ll leave feeling supported, inspired, and positive in your UX journey. If you need a boost, this is the place to get it!
Join me and your fellow designers-in-training as we collaborate to answer UX questions and share tips, tricks and resources.

I (Cola) will answer any questions that you guys have regarding

  • Portfolio Tips
  • Career Advice
  • Industry Trends
  • Breaking into UX Design
  • Best practices
  • “Day in the life”
… you get the gist.

The only thing I will not be able to do is answer really specific personal questions (eg., “can you give me feedback on my portfolio right this second”)

Other than that, I’m open to anything. Join us and meet some new UX buddies while getting answers to your burning questions 🤘

This is for designers of all experience levels:
🐤UX Beginners
😎UX Pros
April 16, 2024
12:00 - 1:00 pm EDT
UX Office Hours

Thanks for joining! Your spot is saved, and we'll send you a reminder before the event with a link to join. If you can't make the live workshop, we'll post the recording and resources afterwards for you to check out on your own.

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